Damien mixes: Rise and Shine!

© Damien Guichard

Bar ohne Namen

Entschlossen verweigert sich Savage, der Bar einen Namen zu geben. Stattdessen sind drei klassische Design-Symbole das Logo der Trinkstätte in Dalston: ein gelbes Quadrat, ein rotes Viereck, ein blauer Kreis. Am meisten wurmt den sympathischen Franzosen dabei, dass es kein Gelbes-Dreieck-Emoji gibt. Das erschwert auf komische Weise die Kommunikation. Der Instagram Account lautet: a_bar_with_shapes-for_a_name und anderenorts tauchen die Begriffe ‘Savage Bar’ oder eben ‚Bauhaus Bar‘ auf.


Für den BCB bringt Savage nun sein Barkonzept mit und mixt für uns mit Unterstützung von Russian Standard Vodka an der perfekten Bar dazu.





What would a morning be without good coffee? Unthinkable for many! But the hot drink is also perfect for drinks in the evening. Damien Guichard has once again conjured up a cocktail recipe with the Instagram community's favourite ingredient.


When a bartender hears the word “coffee” two words usually come to their mind – ESPRESSO MARTINI! Whether or not the well-known anecdote about a famous model ordering it is true or not, one thing is certain – it is the most popular coffee-based cocktail and it has passed the test of time to become an undeniable classic.


Espresso: No risk, no fun

Yet espresso doesn’t have to be the only way to extract coffee and use it as an ingredient. In fact, talk to any barista or coffee expert and they will tell you that using espresso is risky business. So much can go wrong: lack of consistency, stale beans, poorly pulled espresso shot, cold and stale espresso – we have all made those mistakes.


Cold Brew: the new secret weapon?

Which is why for this month, I have opted for cold brew. It might not strike you as the most exciting cocktail element, but when made and used right it can become an ingredient worth keeping in your fridge as one of your staple weapons of choice.


When a bartender hears the word “coffee” two words usually come to their mind – ESPRESSO MARTINI! Whether or not the well-known anecdote about a famous model ordering it is true or not, one thing is certain – it is the most popular coffee-based cocktail and it has passed the test of time to become an undeniable classic.


Espresso: No risk, no fun

Yet espresso doesn’t have to be the only way to extract coffee and use it as an ingredient. In fact, talk to any barista or coffee expert and they will tell you that using espresso is risky business. So much can go wrong: lack of consistency, stale beans, poorly pulled espresso shot, cold and stale espresso – we have all made those mistakes.


Cold Brew: the new secret weapon?

Which is why for this month, I have opted for cold brew. It might not strike you as the most exciting cocktail element, but when made and used right it can become an ingredient worth keeping in your fridge as one of your staple weapons of choice.


© Damien Guichard

Coffee isn’t just coffee

Just like any organic product, the flavour and character of coffee depends on many factors: the terroir, season, method of fermentation, roasting… you get it – coffee isn’t just coffee! In this case, I went for medium roast washed Rwandan beans from the roaster “Fjord” in Berlin. The tasting notes are light with flavours of plum, honey and white grapes: perfect for a light summer drink.


It all depends on the right grind

Cold Brew should be used behind every bar that doesn’t have an espresso machine. It is cheap and has a decent shelf life. The key to a good cold brew is to use a very coarse grind. Ground too thin, your coffee will end up extracting too much of the bitter and earth notes and will end up tasting over extracted and unpleasant.

Nicole Battefeld, coffee legend from Berlin, explains “a coarse grind will give you a light and fruity body”. So off I go and grind 80g of my Rwandan beans as coarse as I could. I then combined my ground coffee into a jug with 500ml of filtered water (thank you Brita) and let the mix steep for 24hours in the fridge. Finally, I strained the whole mixture through a coffee filter (in this case chemex) – et voilà! The result is a light and slightly acidic coffee, with a bitterness very much in the background.

© Damien Guichard

Now time to mix!

The idea is to put together a cocktail that will be refreshing and floral using coffee as a source of acidity as well as one of the main flavour. In order to let the delicate and floral notes of the cold brew shine through, I opted for a combination of rum, peach and unfiltered sake. Top it all off with soda and the "Rise and Shine" is ready – Cheers!


Ingredients for a “Rise and Shine”:

·       20ml Vodka

·       20ml Nigori Sake (Unfiltered)

·       10ml Plantation Barbados 5y Rum

·       10ml Cold Brew

·       10ml Simple

·       5ml Rinquinquin

·       topped with Soda


© Damien Guichard