• 14th-16th October 2024
  • Exhibition Centre Berlin

BCB 2022 – Anticipation and first Highlights

© BCB/Gili Shani 

What can visitors of the BCB expect next October? – We provide a first insight.


Bar ohne Namen

Entschlossen verweigert sich Savage, der Bar einen Namen zu geben. Stattdessen sind drei klassische Design-Symbole das Logo der Trinkstätte in Dalston: ein gelbes Quadrat, ein rotes Viereck, ein blauer Kreis. Am meisten wurmt den sympathischen Franzosen dabei, dass es kein Gelbes-Dreieck-Emoji gibt. Das erschwert auf komische Weise die Kommunikation. Der Instagram Account lautet: a_bar_with_shapes-for_a_name und anderenorts tauchen die Begriffe ‘Savage Bar’ oder eben ‚Bauhaus Bar‘ auf.


Für den BCB bringt Savage nun sein Barkonzept mit und mixt für uns mit Unterstützung von Russian Standard Vodka an der perfekten Bar dazu.





Bar Convent Berlin 2021 already sent a clear signal: The industry stands firmly together - come what may! This year, the scene event wants to return to the starting point where it was before the pandemic: the international industry gathering with creative exhibitor booths that has many extraordinary experiences in store for visitors. Which highlights can we look forward to already?


When the gates of the exhibition hall in Berlin closed last year and only empty bottles and glasses as well as remaining stand constructions reminded of the hustle and bustle of the past three days, it was not yet fully realised that the Bar Convent Berlin had finally taken place again - after two years of pandemic-related break. Euphoria coupled with a great sense of relief spread through the BCB team. The motivation to plan BCB 2022 immediately rose immeasurably - and has not ebbed away to this day. "We are looking very positively to this October and are already highly motivated to plan exciting concepts and highlights for our visitors this year," reveals BCB Director Petra Lassahn. 

Back to the usual size

Bar Convent 2022 will take place from October 10th to 12th. After the successful premiere last year, the Berlin exhibition halls will once again serve as the venue. This year, however, the industry event returns to its original scale, similar to what it was at Station Berlin in 2019. This year's event area of the Bar Convent extends over six exhibition halls, about 16,000 visitors are expected. In addition to the halls 18, 19 and 20 - already known from last year's event - the light-flooded Palais with outdoor area, which attracted visitors to relax in 2021, is back as well. The halls will be assigned different themes such as Urban Gardening, Senses, Aperitivo, Urban Market and Hidden Treasures and hold special experiences in store for the visitors.

The Palais of Messe Berlin during BCB 2021

© BCB/Gili Shani 

Individual stands become eye-catchers

Visually, the BCB is also returning to its origins: elaborate and individual stand constructions in a wide variety of sizes and shapes, as still familiar from the old location, will once again be part of the trade show picture. Last year, there was only one uniform stand construction for all exhibitors due to Covid-19, in order to give them better planning security. 

First exhibitors known

There are some great brands on board again this year - including Brown Forman and Campari. But also from Thomas Henry to Molinari to Black Forrest Distillers and Zamora, many companies in the industry won't miss BCB. And smaller spirits brands, such as Brix Gin, Tequila Fortaleza and Rheinland Distillers, are guaranteed not to leave this year's BCB visitors high and dry. 

Hidden treasures await visitors

As the hall theme "Hidden Treasures" already suggests: There is something special to discover here! For example, an exclusive Speak Easy bar is already being planned on the exhibition grounds. In addition, the popular theme of Aperitivo is also to be staged in the form of its own bar. Moreover, this year there will also be a special focus on other trend topics in the industry such as food pairing and low & no. As last year, there will also be a Young Guns area. Here, international newcomers to the industry will have the opportunity to present themselves and their products. 

Outdoor area in front of the Palais

© BCB/Gili Shani 

Three days awake - no problem!

In addition to a varied stage program in which experts from the international bar industry share their knowledge with the audience, special BCB night events are again planned. For this purpose, unique Berlin locations will be chosen as the meeting place for all night owls among the BCB visitors. Special guests and international bar teams will once again take on guest shifts and create their special drinks exclusively on site for one evening. 

Getting a taste for it: International bar pop-up in planning

If you think of BCB 2021, you most likely immediately have the BCB Bauhaus Pop-Up Bar with Rémy Savage and his team in mind. The popular "bar without a name" from London was staged on the upper floor of the Palais exclusively for the trade event and the team around Rémy was flown to Berlin in person. All this was possible thanks to the sponsor Russian Standard. "We definitely want to pick up here and further strengthen such cooperations with international bars and well-known brands," reveals Melanie Ignasiak, Product Manager of BCB. Plans are already in full swing for this year as well.

Prepared for everything that comes

Of course, it is not yet possible to predict under which regulations the BCB will take place in autumn. "But last year's experience shows that we can adapt very well and incredibly quickly to current circumstances. If there is one thing we have learned from the pandemic, it is definitely flexibility in planning," Petra Lassahn emphasizes. 


You would like to contribute conceptually or have ideas and wishes for BCB 2022? We are looking forward to your messages! Feel free to contact us via our social media channels or by mail ([email protected])!